The Cavity Wall Insulation Debate – About Time

By John Ross, Research Lecturer, and MCS Heat Pump Inspector for Ireland It was great to hear the debate by local politicians on Monday 11th November on what is the most important energy issue for many tenants and home owners. I’m of course speaking about the debate on the state of cavity wall insulation and […]

By John Ross, Research Lecturer, and MCS Heat Pump Inspector for Ireland

It was great to hear the debate by local politicians on Monday 11th November on what is the most important energy issue for many tenants and home owners.

cavitywallI’m of course speaking about the debate on the state of cavity wall insulation and the serious fuel poverty situation of so many people. The issue was raised at Stormont by a local North Down MLA who has, at first hand, witnessed the poor state of the cavity wall insulation in his constituency. There were references made to some of the major energy deficient homes that I have surveyed or have ever witnessed, including the horrible condition of relatively new homes in Mount Eagles estate in Poleglass. The homes in the Poleglass estate are truly a shame and a blight to the state of our construction standards, whenever homes of this poor quality are considered fit for purpose. On inspections carried out on these homes I went from one home to another to see vast areas of mould and condensation (water) running down the walls. The residents not only live with this horrible situation but also live with the daily threat to their health from these mouldy conditions. The North Down homes are no different, “mould and cold”, basically every home surveyed had occupants with asthmatic conditions, coughs and wheezes. That said, that’s not the end of it, as every home has to endure major energy costs as they try to keep the homes warm. The simple problem is the existing poor insulation of these homes which can be rectified. The time has come, in my view, for Government to fund measures that firstly conduct purposeful, whole house energy inspections with validated energy assessments (not the dreaded, inappropriate EPCs) that set true baseline figures so that commensurate treatments can be applied and measured. From validated baseline assessment, measured improvements based on research and case study information can be presented to the landlord or homeowner. We can provide real comfort levels and reduced energy costs by having the baseline energy analysis of the structure, a starting point, a datum point allowing for treatments to be precisely aimed and costed for energy improvements. Providing baseline measurement promotes a menu of choice for all treatments, basic (insulation etc) through to the most costly of renewable technologies. A “menu of choice” allows either landlord or homeowner the choice of energy improvement measure based on real-time, research based costs allied to current energy prices. It allows energy advisors to target areas of improvement based on what is affordable for the funds available.

“Simply put – fabric first is the key to addressing the much-debated area of energy costs”.

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